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Sunday, September 6, 2015

My life in freelancing part two!

So as promised, here comes part two! In this post I will cover more specifics of what I have done as a freelancer to show you some examples.

Now my favorite platform for freelancing is still Fiverr. When I got started there, a whole new era in my life started. I quickly gained myself a notority for being fierce against my competition while at the same time providing the BEST translation services for Swedish. Nowadays I am only use Fiverr part time to broaden my experience rather than making an income but I still hang there daily reading the amazing articles the dev team posts, keeping myself updated with the community and such.

Let me start out by explaining that being a freelancer isn't easy. It's one of the best professions there are but at the same time it's one of the roughest ones as well. The reason is simple, you're your own boss and your own employee. If you mess up, make a mistake or deliver a gig* too late, it's ALL ON YOU.

*Gig is the term freelancers use for "job". Start using it to sound more professional and experienced!

No one will be there to pick up the pieces, apologize to the furious customer or anything, it's all up to you and trust me, you will make mistakes. I have never delivered work too late though like many others do once in a while, I am too motivated by the pricetag on the article I am writing or translating to let myself be late with it.

I will be covering Fiverr a lot more in the near future since it's played a major part in my career so I can easily help anyone get started with it. Late today or tomorrow I will be releasing a "Getting Started" post specifically on the topic of Fiverr. I can also announce a sweet surprise for anyone whole follows the help in that post since I will next week release surfire methods on getting popular quickly on Fiverr!

Now being a freelancer is tough as I mentioned. So what you need to do is to make sure you're prepared for it.

You must be dedicated to your customers. Realise that you might have to postpone fun once in a while to get successful. It will all pay off though when you get to reap the fruits of your labor, cold hard cash that is!

In my career as a writer and translator I have managed to stumble upon some amazing things. You get to learn a ton of interesting things as a freelancer since you get in contact with so many different people in various fields. One of my first larger translation gigs for example was a medical research book on the topic of hair loss. Translating scientific terms is much tougher than I thought it'd be...

One of the best parts of being a freelancer is also the way the work pays off the more time you spend in the business. Making five dollars for a shorter article might sound dull to do but if you get happy customers the odds are high they will start paying you better and offer you much better work. For example, when I got started with translating for people in Fiverr, I one day translated a small 400 word blog post for someone. The day after, he contacted me and wanted me to translate the hairloss book I mentioned earlier. Sure, it took me about a week to translate but he also paid me nearly three hundred dollars to do it! So from doing a five dollar gig I suddenly rose to a three hundred one.

So once again the article is getting a tad long. I will leave it at this for now. I will probably keep writing about my career in the future and if there is anything about it you're curious about, don't hesitate to ask in the comment section below!

And as always, I'd appreciate it if you'd share the blog on social media! Only if you like the content so far though.

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