When you read up on other peoples experience in freelancing you will often hear about the hardships about it. These are often the same excuses you will hear (And sometimes use yourself) to why you don't want to be a freelancer or entrepreneur.
1. Freelancers have to be creative
This is a really common myth. Many think that you have to be super creative to be able to compete with the other freelancers and come out as the winner. This is completely false. There is such a huge demand for freelancers in this day and age that anyone with a marketable skill will be able to compete on the market if they just put themselves out there.
2. I wouldn't be able to follow a schedule
This is one of the major ones. Many say that it's hard to wake up early in the morning and get infront of the computer and just start working. People tend to believe that it's easier to have strict schedules and routines that often come with being employeed at a company. This is however not true. Being an entrepreneur means that your salary is decided by the amount of energy and time you spend on your work, this actually motivates you to work harder than someone who has a set salary at a workplace. For further information on this, there are studies linked between Eustress and being an entrepreneur.
3. My friends/family/co-workers/X wont believe in me and my dream
Sorry, this ones actually true. It's quite funny actually, I still have friends who don't believe I work as a freelancer. When asked how I then pay my bills, they tend to guess I am working at a company they don't know about. If you're planning on starting a business or becoming a freelancer, get ready to have your close ones doubting you. However don't let this get you down. Only a few percent of the population ever even try to become their own boss, so this is often fueled by jealousy. And if you feel less motivated, think about it the other way, you can shove it into their face when you succeed!
4. Being a freelancer is mostly good for a side-income.
This is another really common one. Many believe that freelancing is only good for making a few extra bucks. This might be true for some but it often depends on your own life situation and determination. Sure, some start with freelancing to just make a hundred a month or so, either to save up money or use it to pay the bills. However nothing is stopping you from putting down more time and energy, thus making more than just a few bucks. If you're determined enough you will automatically put down more time into your work which will eventually give you enough leaway to start doing it fulltime.
This was just a small list since it tends to be the things I hear the most. But really, in the end it all bottles down to you and you alone. If you want to be a cog in the corporate machine, then keep working with whatever you do. If you however want to become something bigger and get more freedom in your life, then stop holding yourself back and just do it! No one is going to do it for you after all.
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